
We think small classes make
a big impact. Our classes are
mostly 1:1, with a few intimate
group classes offered intentionally
and thoughtfully, if the course
content or student's learning will
be enhanced in a group setting.
This is because we believe in the
approach of mediation by the
therapist, for which small classes
are more conducive.

We have an international
perspective. Our partnerships with
international educational institutes help
keep our methods current and ensure
that our specialists are consistently
trained on the most innovative teaching
methods. In addition, this gives us an
advantage of being the only ones to
offer our range of techniques.
We are anchored in the
science of the brain.
Each of our programmes has
years of research behind it.
Which is why we create effective
and confident learners.

We teach “how to think“.
When students learn thinking
strategies, they can confidently
apply them across subjects,
contexts and real life situations.
We create lasting,
measurable impact
through neuro-structural
change that transforms

We do not upsell or offer
cookie-cutter solutions.
Every child learns differently,
and so we teach differently.
What Keeps Us Going
Parent of E*,
started at Age 9
“I initially came to ATO to help my son with academic subjects
and exam scores, but I have learnt through the centre that sometimes
foundations need to be strengthened. This initially felt like a step
back, but I have learnt to be patient and trust the process. Today he
is in Secondary School and a happy confident young adult.”